Parking Saba Spain square - Rome

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  • 210
  • 1800

Viale del Galoppatoio 33 00197, Roma


Open 24h


Maximum height allowed: 2.1 meters


The car park is located in the heart of Rome and is ideal for reaching the splendid Villa Borghese in just a few minutes, as well as the Spanish Steps and Via Veneto, which can be reached via two covered pedestrian connections equipped with escalators and treadmills.The car park has approximately 1800 spaces and is outside the ZTL.

Tariffe orarie feriali: 1aora:0,50€
  • 1st hour: €2.60
  • Subsequent hours: €2.60
  • Maximum daily rate €22.00
  • Hourly rates Sat-Sun and holidays:

  • First 20 minutes: €0.50
  • 1st hour: €2.80
  • Subsequent hours: €2.80
  • Maximum daily rate: €22.00
  • Hourly rates Sat. holidays and days before holidays from 00:00 to 06:00:

  • First 20 minutes: €0.50
  • 1st hour: €4.00Subsequent hours: €4.00
  • Maximum daily rate: €22.00
  • Hourly rate from 8/12 to 6/01, Easter Monday and April 25th

  • Primi 20 minuti: 0,50 €
  • 1st hour: 3,00 €
  • Following hours: 3,00 €
  • Maximum daily rate: 22,00 €
  • Products and Tickets

    Hourly fee

    Rate referred to the first hour of parking

    2.60 €/hour


    Abbonamento 24h

    Web offer! 24h from Monday to Sunday