Parking Saba Ospedale Borgo Trento - Verona

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  • 4
  • 348

Via San Camillo De Lellis 37126, Verona


Open 24h


Maximum height allowed: 2.1 meters


Verona’s historic centre is full of magical hidden spots and alleys for the visitor to explore. As a result, we recommend visiting this area on foot and parking your vehicle at one of our Saba car parks. These car parks are open 24 hours a day, meaning you don’t have to worry about closing hours or availability. You can find one on Via San Camillo de Lellis. Boxes and parking spaces are available for sale in this car park. For information please send an e mail to

  • Open 24 hours
  • Facilities with mobile phone coverage
  • Equipped with security cameras
  • Equipped with spaces for people with reduced mobility
  • Products and Tickets

    Hourly fee

    Rate referred to the first hour of parking

    2.60 €/hour


    Abbonamento 24h

    Web offer! 24h from Monday to Sunday