Saba Silos Car Park - Trieste

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  • 780

Piazza della Libertà 9 34135, Trieste


Open 24h


Maximum height allowed: 2 meters


If you’d like to enjoy going for long walks along the coast while taking in wonderful views of the ocean, or having dinner while watching the sunset, you should visit Trieste’s port. In addition to offering the charm and typical activities associated with a local port, this area also has several historical monuments that the visitor should see. These include the Ponte Rosso bridge or the beautiful Molo Audace square. In order to get around this area comfortably, we recommend using the Saba car park located in the Piazza della Libertà square, just a few steps from these sights. The parking can also be a good solution for cruise passengers as it is well connected to the port of embarkation of the main cruise lines. These public car parks offer modern facilities:

  • Open 24 hours
  • Facilities with mobile phone coverage
  • Equipped with security cameras
  • Equipped with spaces for people with reduced mobility
  • Products and Tickets

    Hourly fee

    Rate referred to the first hour of parking

    2.10 €/hour

    13.95 €

    14.00 €

    - 1 %